
Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm In Shock - This is Post Number 100!

I was getting ready to post something entirely different when I noticed that is my 100th post! My goodness! I've been having so much fun writing with you. I had no idea.

So, in honor of the number 100, we have to do something special. Hmmm...I wonder....can we make a list of 100 happy words by Saturday? That's a real challenge but since we just wrote about things we hate, happy should be easier. Let's give it a shot! Play away. Come back often. Bring your friends and your friends' friends. Bring your kids and your grandkids too.

And of course, allow your dogs and cats to have a voice. Let's celebrate with 100 words that make us happy. Revel in joy. Wallow in happiness. Get happy! Be happy!

Let's go! Make sure to number your happy word or phrase so we can keep count. I'm excited, are you?


Jan Mader said...

1. family

Lillian Robinson said...

2. horsey kisses

Lillian Robinson said...

Oh, I forgot to say congrats... Congrats!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

3. Fluffy tails1


PeeEssWoo: I'm hitting 600 on Saturday!

Ziggy Stardust said...

4.I am excited for you.
5.Sasha is filled with joy.

Congratulations Anne and Sasha

Tweedles -- that's me said...


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh i forgot to count so I am back. Congrats on # 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 Sunrises
7.New friends
8.Smiling faces
9.Dog biscuits in my bowl

Tweedles -- that's me said...

10. Waggng tails
11. Kitties purring

Tweedles -- that's me said...

12. "Sunshine on my shoulders make me happy"

Jan Mader said...

13. 70 degrees
14 40% humidity!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

15. Balloons
16. Bubbles floating in the air
17. Ice cream
18. Vacation
19. Hugs and kisses
20. Sharring
21. Milk in kitties dishes
22. Weekends!
23. Surprises!

Ziggy Stardust said...

24.magic bubbles
26.blogging with friends
27.cheese for Sasha
28.birthday cake

Ziggy Stardust said...


Ziggy Stardust said...

oops sorry, Tweedles had hugs and kisses. unexpected guest for no reason

Al said...


31. green grass
32. sunny weather
33. dad's home!
34. picnic

CATachresis said...

35. autumn colours
36. refreshing sleep
37. gentle breeze on a hot day
38. crackling log fire in an inglenook fireplace

CATachresis said...

(mind you they are more happy thoughts than happy words, lol)

Jan Mader said...

Happy thoughts are just fine! Now that you mention it, how about:

39. birds singing on an early spring morning...

Valerie said...

40. toddlers
41. preschoolers
42. back to school

Karen said...

43. fluffy, white clouds
44. chocolate!

CATachresis said...

45. Mist coming down the valley
46. picnic in the forest
47. Peace
48. spontaneity
49. children laughing
50. cats purring

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

The Mama - Happy 100th Post!!!
51. Old Friends
52. Sunday Mornings
53. Carribean Blue Waters
54. Fishies in #53

Dory - and Many Many More!
55. Birdies in the backyard
56. Squirrels in the backyard
57. Rats...ummmm in the TREE in the backyard

Unknown said...

58. Little girl giggles
59. Smudgy little handprints
60. Morning sunlight that casts a flattering golden glow on everything

DJan said...

61. Grinning friends
62. Having a good tired feeling
63. Wildflowers galore
64. Girlfriends

Sandy said...

65 Good wine
66 good friends
67 good food
68 vacation
69 love
70 pretty flowers
71 sleeping in, waking up naturally; not by noises in the neighborhood
72 pizza
73 the week end

73 talking with my daughter
74 helping someone with my yarn
75 having a day off from work
76 learning how to do something new on the computer

Sandy said...

Forgot to say congrats, I need to see how many I've made, no clue...

but now it's time to pick up dinner, more blogging fun later


2cats said...

Congratulations! Thanks for being here.

77. Cool nights for sleeping
78. Good garage sales
79. Fresh tomatoes from the garden
80. Fresh cucumbers from the garden
81. Great neighbor to share fresh vegetables from her garden.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

82. Making a snow man
83. Splashing in the sprinklers
84. Sun flowers!
85. New seeds coming up in the garden
86. Listening to the squirrels chattering in the trees.
87. Rainbows in the sky!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

88. Make believe!
89. Imagining!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

90. Being content with myself!
91. Challenging myself and winning!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

92. Sharring a secret!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

93. Puppies
94. Kittens
95. Baby horses

Jan Mader said...

96. feeding quacking ducks!

Stubby said...

97. Pugs!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

97. Having fun at Jan's summer school!
98. My moms

Tweedles -- that's me said...

99. I know this is true-getting slobbery kisses from TANGO!

Jan Mader said...

100. life

I had to do it! Number 100 was just waiting for me....Tweedles told me so!

Shoot, we should go for 200. These happy thoughts are making me giddy!

Blogging with all of you is so much fun. You've added such job and inspiration to my life! Keep thinking happy thoughts.

101. getting a stuck sneeze out!

Jan Mader said...

Oops...I meant "joy" not "job!" I am looking for more work, but this blog is not work, it's sheer pleasure!

myra said...

Hi I just found you blog and I am wondering if you could check out a blog I have I was thinking of trying to get it made into a book can you let me know what you think it is the first post on this blog I would be grateful for any help. Thanks

Jan Mader said...

Sure, Myra. I'll go check right now.

Meanwhile, let's keep this activity going for a little while longer. All of these "happy" words and phrases are inspiring ideas for me to use later. They're even inspiring more playful writing activities.

How much happier can we get?!

Jan Mader said...

102. staying in my pajamas till noon on Saturday
103. going horseback riding with anyone!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

104. Snow cones
105. Snow flakes (but not on the road)
106. The smell of fresh hay to romp in
107. The site of autumn leaves
108. First spring flowers to sniff
109 Watching baby duckies!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

110. Going to the fair
111. New chewy toys
112. Winning a prize
113. People laughing
114. New homes for homeless pets!

2cats said...

110. Sitting outside in the warm sunshine.
111. Fresh baked bread with dinner.
112. "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day"
113. The look of the woods out my bedroom window.
114. Fresh blackberries right off the vine.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

115. A nice fresh bowl of cold water
116. Tweedles!
117. Wild horses running free!

Bee Magic Chronicles for Kids said...

118. Healthy bodies

sandy said...

119. getting a new computer
120. getting new blog mates
121. getting a good bargin when you shop for something
122. finishing a home project
123. talking to an old friend or someone you've not seen in awhile
124. watching it snow, when you're inside nice and warm and have no where you need to go
125. seeing a sunset
126 watching, feeling, and hearing firewords
127. having your flowers come again in the spring
128. getting a massage
129. finding something you thought you lost
130. when a plan comes together

pssssssss playing with my new computer, large screen is nice, font is too small, trying to get stuff reloading and re book marked...that could take a while, need my special toolbar and am having trougle loading it...errrrrrrr

soon to bed

Tweedles -- that's me said...

131. Winning !
132. Fairy tales
133. Bed time stories !
134. Seeing happy faces in the moring

Jan Mader said...

136. taking grandson to company picnic
137. looking at clouds and seeing castles
138. seeing people greet each other at airports
139. moments that take my breath away like...
140. my oldest son picking me up like I was a little kid at a birthday party last night (he's strong!)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I can't let these happy words be forgotten
141. Groovy
142. Cool
143. Ducky
144. Swell
145. Awsome did i already say awsome? Well. this has been AWSOME!

ocmist said...

Congratulations on your 100th post, Jan! It is SO GOOD to have gotten to know you! Thanks, Sasha and Momma for introducing us!

146. Playing with any of my grandkids
147. Watching Dott trick Sadie or BG into giving her their toy/bone, etc.
148. When I get a phone call from any of my kids or grandkids
149. Something good happens to/for a freind
150. When my horses nicker/talk to me
151. When I finish a picture/project I'm working on
152. Playing these writing games
153. When I read a funny blog/story
