Once again, reading something that Tweedles wrote gave me an idea. That's what writers do...we inspire each other. Tweedles started a story with: The raging sea was roaring like a lion. What a picture that painted for me!
Tweedles could have just said: the sea was rough or the waves were big. She would have told me something. I might have yawned and read on. Instead, Tweedles showed me. She used her words as though they were art on a canvas. Her words excited me and made me want to read more.
Her words inspired the following writing exercise! Chose one or two of the following words to describe by painting a picture:
best friend
I'll go first.
The sea rolled in like a bowling ball thrown in the gutter.
or: The sea washed away like water down the drain.
My sister curled up on the couch like a tired kitten.
or: My sister squirmed on the couch while she twisted her curly hair around her finger.
Your turn! Show us with your words. Paint a vivid picture!
Use your senses help you. Let's your mind's eye go crazy. Think outside the box! Have fun. Take chances. Let yourself go! If you want to describe another word that's fine. Put it in all caps so we'll notice your word right away.
Teachers, do this exercise with your kids orally first. Remember, creative talking leads to exciting writing!
Come back as often as you think of ideas. I'll leave this post up through the weekend. Let's inspire each other!
Chose one or two of the following words to describe by painting a picture:
best friend
Have fun! Feel free to get as wild and crazy as you like...I can't wait to read what you paint with your words!
The sky looked like the jagged edges of an etch a sketch as the lightning lit up the clouds.
The mountains rose up to meet the azure sky like a prayer rising to the heavens.
My brother is like an egg with a hard shell, but soft and gooey on the inside.
My best friend's kindness is like the cool breeze on a hot day...you always feel it around you.
My dog has the most beautiful crayon brown eyes that gaze up at me and say I love you.
The sea was unusually calm and shining like glass that I could see through.
Wow! I'm not sure if my walls will hold all these beautiful paintings. The sea has taken on so many different faces and eggs have a whole new meaning for me now!
Can you see how this kind of writing fun will help you with everything else you write?
As daylight succumbed to twilight, I watched my little ones romp and frolic in the dew-dampened GRASS of our backyard.
Hope all is going well, Jan! Kiddos in the metro area started back to school today (eeeek!), but I am staying home with my own two for another year. Feeling a bit melancholy as I really miss teaching Writer's Workshop to my 3rd graders, but know that this time with my own is going to be short-lived!
Sorry, TYPO...
The mountains loomed menacingly in the distance.
The clouds in the sky rolled ominously in from overthe sea, dark and heavy.
The dog tensed and growled uneasily, conscious of an unseen presence.
The exhausting climb up the side of the jagged mountain made me feel like my head was in the clouds.
The moutains smelled sweet like ripened blackberrys.
The black clouds raced across the sky like wild horses.
This looks like great fun, Jan. I'm going to give it some thought.
This friend of mine, has an imagination that runs wild like the fastest kanagroo!
This friend of mine tells us we don't have to be perfect, and I love it.
This friend of mine plays like a frisky pony!
(her name is Jan)
totaling unrelated, is anyone else having really really weird font issues with size? Everything was normal until yesterday, then gmail was wee wee wee tiny. Found how to make it large and now everything on my blogs is beyond HUGE wayyyyyyyyyyyy beyong HUGE. If I revert, my email is soooooooooo little, I can't read it?
And this friend of mine romps like a tireless pup. Ideas spill out of her brain, into mine, and onto this blog so we can all play together!
Thank you Tweedles!
High on this jagged cliff,
the storm clouds are below.
I feel like leaping and see if I can fly!
Thanks, Jan. I'm going to try this with the kids in my classroom. I love the ideas in your blog!
The wind chased seafoam back over the crests of the waves, horses' manes flying white above the dark ocean.
It is so humid and the dew point is in the 70's, that the ground is sweating.
My husband growls like a bear before his morning coffee.
The billowy clouds blend into the mountain, making the sky disapear.
My husband lifts up our dog, she settles into his arms like a warm blanket.
The dog shaped clouds hover up over the mountains, across the deep blue sea, and fade into the sky.
Love you Jan
The purple sky was silouted by the most spectacular rainbow!
The billowy clouds cried tears of joy for the parched forest.
My brother's hair was as orange as the setting sun and his eyes as blue as the ocean.
My hands became tangled in my boyfriend's hair, just as a fly gets caught in a web.
The black crow spread his massive wings as he glided silently above the storm clouds.
The only familiar sound was the crashing of the OCEANS tide, and seagulls calling to each other.
When at last, she saw her boyfriend, it was as if the sky swallowed them up and they floated off on a cloud to a mountain retreat. There was no one else, just the two of them.
Jan, I have begun a story on Sasha's blog, inspired by you. Please visit when you can. I feel like I am out of my league, but I know I can count on you for help.
Me again, popping in to check on all my team members.
We've not had much in the way of visitations in the last couple of months, therefore I know most team members haven't been reading our blog. I need folks to read up, check in, leave a comment so I know you were there.
What team members, Sandy? I'm confused!
The sky was filled with picture clouds like a circus parade passing by.
My husband came home from work like a hot, tired ogre, then morphed back into a laughing child as his dog came running up to greet him.
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