
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tell Us What You Do!

Finish the sentence:

When life gets me down...


CATachresis said...

I look up :>)

Sandy said...

I open a bottle of good wine.

sandy said...

I work in the yard

sandy said...

I blog about it, visit blogs, go a blog walkin

sandy said...

Work on a project for someone else.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

This is difficult to answer.
When life gets me down,,,,
ice cream helps.
when life gets me down,,,,
nothing helps.
Sometimes I just have to make it through the day and wait it out.
when life gets me down,,,,
and I have thought and thought I search for a silver lining behind the clouds.
when life gets me down,,,,
its a secret I hold inside,
and no one really knows. Sometimes,,,,
only the forest can see through me, and can pick me up.
This was very dificult to answer.

Jan Mader said...

After I look up, I snuggle with my animals or go soak up the smells of the barn.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Barn smells are the best pick me up!

Janie B said...

I stew, then cry, then sleep.

Jan Mader said...

I sleep too...the more upset I am the more I sleep! I forgot about that one!

Jan Mader said...

By the way Tweedles, your answer flowed like poetry as usual!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Of course little Tweedles, and her magic bubbles, thats the best pick me up there is!

CATachresis said...

I'm with you on the snuggling, Jan. Isn't that just a great word!

Jan Mader said...

Yes indeed it is!

Al said...

When life gets me down...I run and that helps!

Denise Dilley said...

When life gets me down, I try to remember how easy I have it compared to someone else.

sandy said...

Popping back in to see some answers. Noticed you're really getting alot of the spam stuff with the Chinese symbols. You really should do yourself a favor and delete them all. Many contain viruses. I keep getting them too, but delete them as the come almost.

I should add, I go look at yarn that helps me.

Sandy said...

Visiting all Bridge Members this am to remind everyone about the blog contest and FREE yarn giveaway. Also sending out a cordial invite to visit my Travel Blog.

Looking forward to your visits, have a great wkend.

SquirrelQueen said...

Scoop up my camera and go for a walk, looking up as often as possible.

Sandy said...

Rounding today from Sandy's Space.
When life get's me down I think of better memories, or memories of better times.


sandy said...

I deleted about 10 of those Chinese messages again. They seem to come in spurts.

When life get's me down I send things out of town. lol....see why I'm not a poet.

check out the bridge
