
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Beautiful Words

Some words feel good the second they fall out of your mouth.  They feel good to hear.  Words like giggle, cornucopia, bamboozleprovocative, sassafras, and so many more feel good to me.  What word or words feel good to you?


Rose Bruno Bailey said...

Azure,luminescent, willow, Scheherazade,acquiescence,desire,
flaxen,to name a few.

Jan Mader said...

Beautiful words Rose!!!

DJan said...

kerfuffle, scrumptious, conflagration, and oh yes, love.

Sailor's Mom said...

Elbow, windowsill, majolica, gobsmacked, kerfuffle, bouillabaisse, whoopie.

Jan Mader said...

I'm making a list!

Sandy said...

Glad to see you're getting back into it. I think you should re-arrange a bit. Your bio shouldn't be so far down. The first thing you see on the right sidebar is links that send people away from your blog, that should be much further down. Your bio, your book list should be prominent.

CATachresis said...

serendipity, mellifluous, bezel, discombobulate, weasel, triptych :)

Kat said...

Beauitful words!
My favorite 'sound good' word is purrrrrr (that's more of a sound than a word,though! MOL)

Katnip Lounge said...

gnarly, dude, bootylicious, crazypants. I like new words.

Maggie @ Shelter Cats said...


SquirrelQueen said...

Calliope, sunshine, lollipop, Mint Julep, peppermint, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (sp), gazebo, chitter, and of course, meow!

GLOGIRLY said...

We're friends of Caro and Austin....just wanted to pop by to say hi! ...
I guess MY favorite words would be salmon, bird, nap, and salmon. Of course I'm a CAT.

; ) Katie
from GLOGIRLY-Tails of a Cat & Her Girl

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Hie Jan! Austin sent me here. My favourite words? Hmmm.....snorgle, pawpawrazzi, crazypants, purrrfection...ooh...does it matter if they're not listed in the Oxford yet? har har har *evil laughs*

Brad the most Handsome

Snoodles said...

Hi Jan, I hopped over here from Austin and the Catachresis blog...I love words! I'm a word nerd! Lately people have raised their eyebrows when I've used impede, kittycorner, and verdant! LOL

Anonymous said...

I love the word "adore". Some may even say I use it too much, but its one of my favourite words. Well, it is to write. Weirdly, I almost never say it out loud, I only ever use it in my writing. I think my written words are far more colourful than my own voice.

Paula said...

Pizzazz, mojo, discombobulated, l'heure bleue, passion, elfengarten, charm, schwupstewupste.
A German dabbling in American slang and remembering her French ancestor.

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Caro sent me. This looks like a fun place. I like Mudita and Schadenfreude, two words and antonyms I blogged about today at Boomer Muse. They have no English equivalents at least not in one word.

Marg said...

Oh there are some great new words here. I like new words too but also some of the old ones that haven't been used in a long time. I need to make a project of new words. What a good idea.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Hi Jan !
Caro and Austin sent me over here too :)
Let´s see , my favourite words is = Nom , Temptation (like in Temptabits from Whiskas:), Rascal , Chick-Hen and Bunnykicks.
YES me too are a cat :)

Jan Mader said...

I'm in awe. So many visitors. So many amazing words. So much fun!

Kjelle Bus, I tried to get to your blog but something stopped me....I can't open it right now. I will keep trying.

Same thing with yours Marg. What a wonderful idea though...a word list just for the fun of it!!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

i like the word "snag" !

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge said...

Fun! Not enough attention paid to being a wordsmith these days.
(Oh, Austin sent me over)
Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

Quill and Greyson said...

Hi! Pals of Austin and Carolyn. Your blog is fun, I am a writer too - a human one - and a cat one.

I like kerfuffle, shrub, and spork.

Meg S Hart

Remington said...

Hi Remington here....thanks for stopping by my blog. Hhhmmmm....a word that makes me smile is FOOTBALL! I love football! Oh, one more thing....I am going to follow, don't worry....not around your kitchen....just in Blogland. I hope we can be great friends!

Ziggy Stardust said...

puppies, children, snuggle, popcorn

TexWisGirl said...

'plethora' is always a favorite of mine.

thank you for finding my blog and leaving a comment. really appreciate it!

Brian Miller said...

isthmus, swag, liliput, bizbane, cello, skipper, snickerdoodle, weiner schnitzel...

ha i could keep going...hope you are having a great weekend!

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