Heartfelt feelings, memories, and emotions are timeless. For this writing activity, draw from what's deep in your heart and soul to complete the following sentence:
When the going gets rough I look back and think......
When the going gets rough I look back and think of my grandmother. She farmed her land during the day until watery blisters covered her hands. At night sounds of Mozart filled her farmhouse while she played her old piano. My grandmother knew what it meant to have balance and joy in her life.
When the going gets rough I look back and think of sun and sand and buckets, spades and knitted swimsuits that sagged in the sea. I think of the smell of fresh fish frying in my gran’s kitchen. Time stood still for me during those long holidays with my grandparents. And they always had time for me and my silly childish chatter!
When the going gets rough, I know I am not the only person who has ever felt this way. I try to think of someone who has pulled through and rose above the clouds. Its not easy. But I can try at least. love tweedles
When the going gets rough I look back and think of my mother. She raised 7 kids and gave us the best she could. Never bought herself a lipstick, she went to bingo on Friday nights with her sisters, making sure us kids had pop, chips, and snacks to enjoy while she was gone. She passed away at age 51, surrounded by family who loved her so much.
When the going gets rough I look back and remember the days when I was battling a serious disease. Some mornings I felt like I couldn't get out of bed. Today I'm grateful to be alive and welcome each new day. I thank God every morning.
When the going gets rough, I don't look back at all. I look forward. My Mother used to say almost everything looks better after a shower and a good nights sleep. The statement seems very true to me. Facing the problem, or thinking about it with a fresh pair of rested eyes does make a difference.
Normally when the going gets rough I look back on my childhood and marvel how my Mother got through everything on her own with flying colors. She was, and is a survivor and I adore her to pieces. But I had a chance encounter with someone who gave me a different perspective on the subject.
I tend to always meet new and interesting people, I am friendly and frankly people just open up to me. Last Thursday I met a spitfire of a lady. She is from Budapest originally. We started up a conversation about Hungary and I asked if she still had family there. She told me she was an orphan, and then told me she is a Holocaust survivor. She was in a concentration camp at the age of ten and lost her Mother and family. She made it out but she was orphaned.
She then preceded to tell me of childhood school photos that were taken before and after the Holocaust.The first photos were before the war of her class. The children were a mix of the well to do students and the less unfortunate orphans. In the second picture taken after the war everyone photographed was an orphan. Fascinating and disturbing at the same time. Her stories had me riveted and I could not take my eyes off of her.
She then skipped years and told me of her amazing travels.She spoke of her move to the USA in the 1950's. She told me she has been to every continent except Australia. She was married twice and I had the privilege to meet her husband Peter. Recently she was featured and videotaped on a show telling the stories of the last surviving victims of the Holocaust. Her spirit reminded me so much of my dear Mother's.It was so moving to witness the luminescent light she emanated, especially since she lost everything in the darkest of times.I knew I was witnessing a once in a lifetime story with a life lesson; walking, talking history.
We parted exchanging emails, and she told me she will email me the video. Everyone at the gym knows Aggie, that is her nickname but her real name is Agatha. She humbled any of the silly problems I think I am facing at the moment, and I think I met a new friend too. Life is always teaching these little lessons, you just have to have open eyes to see them or they may pass you by.To me such encounters are unexpected gifts, and to be blind to them would be a pity indeed.
This week I can tackle anything. If my Mother and Aggie can survive the incredible stormy periods in their lives, I can weather the rain of the gentle showers in my own life.
When the going gets rough I look back and think of my grandmother. She farmed her land during the day until watery blisters covered her hands. At night sounds of Mozart filled her farmhouse while she played her old piano. My grandmother knew what it meant to have balance and joy in her life.
When the going gets rough I look back and think of sun and sand and buckets, spades and knitted swimsuits that sagged in the sea. I think of the smell of fresh fish frying in my gran’s kitchen. Time stood still for me during those long holidays with my grandparents. And they always had time for me and my silly childish chatter!
When the going gets rough, I know I am not the only person who has ever felt this way. I try to think of someone who has pulled through and rose above the clouds. Its not easy.
But I can try at least.
When the going gets rough I look back and think of my mother. She raised 7 kids and gave us the best she could. Never bought herself a lipstick, she went to bingo on Friday nights with her sisters, making sure us kids had pop, chips, and snacks to enjoy while she was gone. She passed away at age 51, surrounded by family who loved her so much.
When the going gets rough I look back and think that there is always someone out there that has it worse than I do!
When the going gets rough I look back and remember the days when I was battling a serious disease. Some mornings I felt like I couldn't get out of bed. Today I'm grateful to be alive and welcome each new day. I thank God every morning.
When the going gets rough, I don't look back at all. I look forward. My Mother used to say almost everything looks better after a shower and a good nights sleep. The statement seems very true to me. Facing the problem, or thinking about it with a fresh pair of rested eyes does make a difference.
Normally when the going gets rough I look back on my childhood and marvel how my Mother got through everything on her own with flying colors. She was, and is a survivor and I adore her to pieces. But I had a chance encounter with someone who gave me a different perspective on the subject.
I tend to always meet new and interesting people, I am friendly and frankly people just open up to me. Last Thursday I met a spitfire of a lady. She is from Budapest originally. We started up a conversation about Hungary and I asked if she still had family there. She told me she was an orphan, and then told me she is a Holocaust survivor. She was in a concentration camp at the age of ten and lost her Mother and family. She made it out but she was orphaned.
She then preceded to tell me of childhood school photos that were taken before and after the Holocaust.The first photos were before the war of her class. The children were a mix of the well to do students and the less unfortunate orphans. In the second picture taken after the war everyone photographed was an orphan. Fascinating and disturbing at the same time. Her stories had me riveted and I could not take my eyes off of her.
She then skipped years and told me of her amazing travels.She spoke of her move to the USA in the 1950's. She told me she has been to every continent except Australia. She was married twice and I had the privilege to meet her husband Peter. Recently she was featured and videotaped on a show telling the stories of the last surviving victims of the Holocaust. Her spirit reminded me so much of my dear Mother's.It was so moving to witness the luminescent light she emanated, especially since she lost everything in the darkest of times.I knew I was witnessing a once in a lifetime story with a life lesson; walking, talking history.
We parted exchanging emails, and she told me she will email me the video. Everyone at the gym knows Aggie, that is her nickname but her real name is Agatha. She humbled any of the silly problems I think I am facing at the moment, and I think I met a new friend too. Life is always teaching these little lessons, you just have to have open eyes to see them or they may pass you by.To me such encounters are unexpected gifts, and to be blind to them would be a pity indeed.
This week I can tackle anything. If my Mother and Aggie can survive the incredible stormy periods in their lives, I can weather the rain of the gentle showers in my own life.
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