
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Close Your Eyes and Paint With Your Words

Have you ever had a day...or even a moment...when you had no worries or cares? Life was good. Nothing was wrong. Everything was right. In that carefree moment can you remember how you felt?

Some of you might say you felt as free as a bird. Others might say something entirely different.

It's all relative to what's in your heart and mind. When I close my eyes and think of one of my most carefree moments, I'm reminded of a day in January, long ago. I was riding my horse, Piper. We walked though the woods and into an open meadow. A herd of deer nibbled on the last of the frozen grass that was beneath a blanket of snow. As large snowflakes continued to fall, Piper and I became one with the herd. The silence was beautiful. In that moment, I felt as though time stood still and the whole world was at peace.

I could go on and on with that story, but I'll stop. It's your turn. Can you think of a special moment when everything seemed right? Please paint a picture with your words to describe the moment and how you felt.


Think about a moment when your life was terrific and finish this sentence: I felt as free as ____________.


Jan Mader said...

Describe a carefree moment and how you felt.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

The Oregon coast is what comes to my mind.
I can still remember the taste of the salt water mist kissing my lips, and the wind fluffing my hair. Little waves were sneaking around my feet.
Very gently, I lifted my special little kite into the air. The gusty winds began to tug and pull. The kite freed itself from my hands and began to soar. Higher and higher, until I could hardly see it. My soul became that kite and I felt as free as an eagle soaring in the wind.
(To this day- i still love kites)

Jan Mader said...

Wow! I love that..."I felt as free as an eagle soarng in the wind."

Al said...

I felt as free as the clouds in the clear blue skies. While the fairies, birds and butterflies glides gracefully around me.


DJan said...

I was on a hike here in the Northern Cascades and had been climbing through trees for awhile. We turned a corner in the trail and in front of my eyes was a babbling brook, wildflowers in great profusion, and beautiful clouds in a brilliant blue sky. I felt as free as the wild fragrance that surrounded me.

Lillian Robinson said...

I'm having a bad day... trouble breathing, so...

I feel free as cement! ;)

I tried to leave a comment on the other blog but couldn't. It's terrible about your stolen book! Get a 2nd opinion. Find a lawyer that is good in publishing law.

Sandy said...

Hum...thats hard, I'm not sure I ever feel like I have no worries, my mind is always thinking about something. I do remember feeling transported a couple of times though while camping out west. Once, we were in Wyoming, it appeared we were the only ones around as we hiked and I felt like I was in another world. Almost like I was sleep walking and seeing myself walking where I was walking. It was as if I could touch those that had been there before me. I sometimes have had very close connected type feelings when in an old historic cemetery. I really don't know how to express it well with words though.


Jan Mader said...

I think you described it very well!

CATachresis said...

Is that the same as perfect contentment? If so, it was when I moved into my first home. It was two rooms at the top of an old house that had been divided into flats. I called it my penthouse garret! In the winter the pipes froze and the ice formed on the inside of the windows. In the summer it was like an oven. The furniture was old and falling to bits and the "fire escape" was a rope which was passed out through the leaded light window in the bedroom in the event of a fire. The smell from everybody elses cooking permeated up the stairs and settled in my living area. On Sundays one was expected to gather on the lawn with the other "inmates" and play croquet and make smalltalk.

I loved that time and I loved living in that place. I was young and carefree!

Bee Magic Chronicles for Kids said...

When I pat my angora rabbit at night before bed I feel a sense of contentment. It's part of our night time ritual and she's like a cat in that she loves the scratches and the strokes. She flops right down in total relaxation and we both close our eyes and she enjoys the patting and I enjoy her warm soft fur. Her contentment is contagious.

Anonymous said...

I felt as free as a bird...

Joei said...

I felt free as a wind and touch all the mountain tops, Sail over the canyon's, and reach up to the stars, and those who feel me and those who believe in me share the in the freedom when I fly.


Anonymous said...

The air was soft, so soft I could barely feel the breeze that lifted my hair from my face. I felt as free as a dandelion feather, floating lazily in the early morning twiight.

Just Me said...

There are moments caught between waking and a deep sleep when God takes me on a trip with him. My body, weightless and without pain, my mind clear of worry and doubt, I am able to rise above the tree tops, above the clouds and fly. I feel beautiful, thin, smart, bold, courageous, strong, loving and in control and yet, its this freedom, this flight, that God controls. When I let go, and let God, I can fly.
