
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Don't You Just Hate It When....

Some of the best writing we produce comes from strong feelings that we have. The feelings can come from our past experiences or our everyday lives. Talking and writing about how we feel helps us to savor memories and recognize our emotions.

I know that what I am working on is really going to be good if I'm crying or laughing as I write. It doesn't matter if you're a child or an adult, you have strong feelings about something. Let me help you figure out what they are!

Finish this sentence:

I just hate it when ________________.

I'll go first. I just hate it when I'm in the car with someone who yells at other drivers!

Imagine the story that could come from that sentence. If you want to know the truth, I'd like to hit the yelling driver over the head and ask, "Have you ever made a mistake?" I could go on and on. I'll stop!

If you're a teacher, start this exercise orally with any emotion you like. Make your way around the classroom allowing each child to quickly finish the sentence or pass. Writing isn't taught by telling someone to write, it's demonstrated by respectfully and playfully sharing ideas. As a teacher, make sure you join fact, you go first!

If you're a writer/blogger, before you finish this sentence you might want to braindrop. Write the word, "hate" at the top of a paper. As fast as you can, write every thought, word, or phrase that falls out of your mind and reminds you of something that you really don't like! This could be more fun than you've had for awhile. Just think about it, you have a good reason to write about what YOU REALLY REALLY HATE! Don't you just love it?!


Jan Mader said...

Have fun with this writing activity. You can be as wild and crazy as you like!

Finish this sentence:

I just hate it when ________________.

I can't wait to read your answers!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I hate it when
1. People are cranky and they don't need to be!
2. The weekend is over so soon.
3. I have to explain why I am feeling blue
4. I am getting sleepy and I don't want to!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I just hate it when my favorite song on the radio is over. (and I want to hear more)

Jan Mader said...

I hate the same things as you, Tweedles! I also hate it when I see someone mistreat an animal. I get out my boxing gloves then!

Ziggy Stardust said...

I just hate it when my husband loses his temper over a baseball game. Its only a game.

I just hate it when I am broke and I find something I want to buy.

...when people can't get along.
...when soldiers die in wars, for what?
...people can't share.

Ziggy Stardust said...

I just hate it when, I run out of treats. Mom goes away and puts me in my crate. Mom doesnt' share her cheese with me.


Tweedles -- that's me said...

1.I just hate sad stories

2.I hate it when idiots drop their pets off, and leave them standing in the road.

3.I just hate it when people cook turnips

4. I hate it when hunting season comes- poor Bambi's
5. I hate it when someone calls me a smashed nose pug

Jan Mader said...

A smashed nose pug???? I am so laughing!!!!!! What a story that could be! And you hate cooked turnips too! I hate liver and onions.

See how one idea leads to another? You guys inspire creativity!!!!

Maria said...

I just hate it when someone takes me for granted!

Al said...

I just hate it when I ran out of shampoo while my hair is soaking wet...dont you just hate it?
I just hate it when Oreo(lab) nibbles the flowers and leaves in the garden.
I just hate it when somebody just leave their dirty dishes in the sink.
I just hate it when I wear my open toed sandals and it starts to rain.
I just hate it when I can't find my eyeglasses only to find out that I flip it over my head.
I just hate it when I ran out of money! Hahahaha.

Al said...

Ooops, I meant...I just hate it when I ran out of money and find all ATM machines OFFLINE!!

CATachresis said...

I just hate it when I can't think of anything to hate!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I hate it when life gets in the way of writing!!

James said...

Hi Jan, I saw your blog through Living a Life of Writing,
Really neat things here,

so... my own little view, I hate it when there are to many distractions.

Anonymous said...

I just hate it when the phone rings early in the morning.

2cats said...

I just hate it when:

someone puts mushrooms in food and doesn't think I will notice.

I hear about child abuse/neglect.

it rains.I worry about the feral cats I take care of. They are getting wet. Think thye would come into my home?

Tweedles -- that's me said...

1. I hate it when humans people judge other people. (after all dogs don't do that)

2. I hate it when someone can't say something nice
about someone-

3. I hate to see people fighting and arguing!

4. I hate that there is so much HATE in the world.
5. I hate saying goodbye.

Jan Mader said...

I hate hating. There's nothing worse than feeling bitter and angry about something.

Jan Mader said...

And...yes, I hate it when the weather is bad and I know animals are outside too. I wish we COULD get them inside!

troutbirder said...

I hate it when people are cruel. Plain and simple.

Jan Mader said...

Well said!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I hate feelin bad about stuff!

I just hate it when someone makes me cry!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I just hate it when people get loggeria!
(excessive talking)

Bee Magic Chronicles for Kids said...

I just hate it when:
- people aren't kind
- my pets get sick
- someone messes with my stuff

Sailor's Mom said...

I hate it when I have to get up really early. Heck, I hate it when I have to get up at all!

I hate it when I can't get the childproof cap off my aspirin bottle to help my arthritic hands. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

(My son loved it when he was a child and I asked him to open the childproof caps for me.)
Again: what were they thinking?

ocmist said...

I just hate it when…
1. I’m sad and someone tries to tease/joke me “out of it!”
2. my computer kicks me offline just as I’m ready to post something that I didn’t save!
3. Yellow Jackets, Bees, etc. buzz me or my hair!
4. animal or child abuse
5. Child Protective Services DON'T protect the children!
