
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I Accept!

I'm a little shy about accepting awards, but I'm not shy about the joy I feel knowing and writing with all of you. Gaelikaa gave me this award and I accept it graciously. Thank you so much Gaelikaa.
Gaelikaa said I could pass this award onto anyone I wanted or not pass it on at all. I want to pass it all of you. You are the ones who inspire me and make me want to write. You are the ones who give me ideas for new writing activities. You are bloggers with extraordinary talents and ideas. At least 97 of you should have this award!
With that being said, I had to give this some creative thought. "How can I pass an award onto everyone?" I wondered.
Then it came to me. After you read this post, please go to the comment section and simply say, "I accept!" That way we can all click on your name and visit your blogs easily and quickly.
Please don't be shy. Remember, words are powerful. Two words can say a lot. I ACCEPT are beautiful humble words. Thank you so much for writing with me and sharing this award.


Jan Mader said...

P.S. Feel free to pass this award along to anyone you like!

Do you accept this award?

Tweedles -- that's me said...


Al said...


darsden said...

Congratulations to you on your award..and thank you very much in return :-)

Maria said...

Thank you so much Jan for accepting the award. You do wonderful work on this blog!

CATachresis said...

Some of us are too shy to accept! Well done Jan!

2cats said...

I accept!
Thank you Jan.

Anonymous said...

I got it before but I like it & I am so honored to be offered it by YOU so...

I accept!

Sandy said...

What a fun graphic. Congrats to you.

Anonymous said...

Heck, yes! I accept.

Bumpkin Hill said...

Lovely to visit here too Jan. I accept :) Hugs to Tango, Catherine x

Dérföldy, J.H said...

I acceptance speech!!!

This is such a huge surprise (said with tears in my eyes), I would like to thank everyone, just everyone....don't laugh, you never know when any one of us might have to do this for real. On your blog, we can practice our "award" speeches, have fun at the same time, and when THAT day comes, we will have the best speeches...or be utterly speechless and bewildered...LOL. I strongly suspect, I would fall into the latter category.

Jan, a huge congratulations on this award, it is definitely deserved. You really do help us get back into the creative groove, while having incredible fun with words. You are like the orchestra that helps us to dance, and completely forget how we look while we are in motion.


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Sometimes I come back to recap and appreicate the experience.
And then I saw this...
Wow, Jenni said some impressive stuff.
It's all true

Unknown said...

Congratulations and thanks! I accept!

Dérföldy, J.H said...

Thanks Tweedles. I absolutely paint you with the same brush though. I am inspired by both Jan and you...thank-you Jan, for introducing us all to Tweedles. Thank YOU tweedles for adding to the fun of painting with words and rafting down inky streams. You are both my life savers, when my brain, suddenly mimics my internet service provider's 3 year old temperament. :-)

ocmist said...

Congratulations Jan... No one deserves it more!
