After a lull of three months I posted on my blog for animal lovers . Even though I was posting out of a need for help, I realized how much I miss writing with all of you. I'm tired of doing writing exercises and I'd just like to talk to you about the ups and downs of writing.
Right now, I have writer's block. It's really never happened to me before and I don't know why it has now. I'm busy, but that's nothing new. Ideas come to me, but I don't sit down and write. What's up with that??? Clients even owe me money and I'm not sending invoices. What is my problem?
In short, for a while I just want to talk to you. Hope that's okay. For starters, I've always written books for young readers. If I can get it together, I'd like to write a mystery for tweens. That's as far as I've gotten with a writing endeavor. For me, that's really unusual. Thanks for listening to my tale of woe....Jan
Talking is a good way to work through problems and get back on track. We all get off track at times and need a boost to get going again.
I think a YA mystery sounds exciting, that would be a fun project.
I agree with SquirelQueen that talking things through can be a great help. From personal experience, which is obviously not the same for everyone, I've found that taking the pressure off can sometimes lead to a better literary flow again. Not that I'm any kind of expert lol, but the stress that we have in our lives (from whatever) can stop us doing many things we want to do.
I am sure you will become unblocked and the juices will flow again, and yes the tween mystery sounds a great idea. Sometimes doing something a bit different can also help xx
I understand!
I'm stuck trying to write as well -
I think Khyra's using all of the KHREATIVE Zen in the Universe!
This happened to me a few weeks ago. So I posted that I was taking a summer hiatus from my blog... But I just couldn't stay away... I, too, had ideas but didn't take, or have, the time to write them down... I think as long as we use this as our creative outlet...and do it when we can...for the love of writing...we're doing something right!! Glad you're back.. And of course I'll listen!
I am glad I've been able to see you on Facebook, even if you've been gone from here for awhile. You've certainly been busy! Glad to say hello from the Pacific Northwest.
I have been in the "writers block"
mode too.
It's hard to let go and be free once it gets its grip on you.
I think your idea of the mystery book is a great idea.
So nice your blog
Bring your saddle home, sit on it while at your computer,maybe all your horsey excitement will carry over to your typing fingers. Send out invoices. Make yourself a game of it. For every invoice you send ride an extra 15 minutes.
Everyone needs to watch the grass grow sometime.
Except me, I seem to be watching it grow all the time lately :-)xxx
Lots of wisdom here!
Hi Jan! I think that we all have our "seasons". It gives me comfort to see that we all face some of the same challenges. I like to think of the experiences that we are living in between writing as part of the process. Only when I attach some negitivity to this process because it isnt happening in "my time" does it turn into a block. Until then life is just research for the next inspired chapter. Thanks for sharing a writers vunerability and making us all feel a little more "normal".
Rounding today from Traveling Suitcase, thought I'd stop in and say hi. As you know the suitcase has been out and out and out again. Whew...need to catch my breath a bit and will be happy to be home for awhile...not tooooooo long mind you, got the next trip booked.
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