
Friday, July 31, 2009

Word Play - For Kids and Adults!

I love words. I am fascinated by how words can change my perspective in a matter of seconds. I want you to feel that wonder too! Kids should have gobs of experience with the magic of words and so should we. Words are a way to stretch our thinking and make our writing more exciting.

Everyone should play with words and that's what we are doing!

What image comes to your mind when you think of the word soft?

Feathers come to my mind.
Here's how I might show soft in a sentence: The snow felt like feathers tickling my face.

Your turn. Think of the word soft. What does your mind's eye see? Can you show me soft in a word or two? Give it a try! Don't be shy. If you think of something after you've already been here, come back! Don't forget...we're creating our own thesaurus!

Feathers was my word to show soft. What's yours?


Rae said...

When I think of soft I think of a blanket.

The velvety mist of the fog felt like being wrapped in a blanket.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I think of fluffiness.
The white clouds were so fluffy

Jan Mader said...

You just gave me an idea, Tweedles! Clouds are soft too!

Al said...


Anonymous said...

Baby kisses, those wet puffs of bubbles that a mother will never forget.

Thanks for such a thought provoking entry.


Ziggy Stardust said...

A gentle whisper broke the silence.


Anonymous said...

How about "soft as a newborn baby's skin"?

Sandy said...

I like to rake leaves in a big fluffy pile to cushion my fall.

Jan Mader said...

You made me think of something else...cushions are soft so are pillows!

Maddie's fur
Tango's ears
Annabelle's belly

Okay...I'll stop!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

My ponys nose is velvety

Tweedles -- that's me said...

The moss on the tree looked mysterious to me

Tweedles -- that's me said...

The wind gently touched my face

Tweedles -- that's me said...

The mud was so squishy

I sat right in the middle of the biggest bubble!

gentle tickles

How about replacing the word soft with "sloopy"
(I it can be a new word)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I tenderly kissed the little green toad

I licked her face very delicatly

The icecream was melting fast- so I ate all of it
(i wish-) tee hee

Law and Order said...

Soft and silky smooth as a baby's skin. :)

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

Lambs' wool.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

ahhhhhh what fun this is!

Jan Mader said...

You're right! This is fun!!!! Tweedles just gave me an idea for another word game.....

Maria said...

Downy. Cottony...

ocmist said...

Soft as the velvety spot behind my corgi's ears.
Soft as the downy fluff of a recently hatched chick or duckling.

Soft as a rat's whiskers, tickling my face with little ratty kisses.

Dérföldy, J.H said...

gentle whispers

Blindfolded said...

Soft as my Alsatian's fur?

I may not be doing a good job at these write ups, but I sure am having fun. Thank you Jan.
