I'm going to list some old proverbs for you. Let's have some more fun by getting really creative. Help me think WAY outside the box by making changes to some of the old proverbs on the list!
Remember, nothing you can write is wrong here. Anything you write is right!
Of course the first proverbs that are going to be on the list are ones that have to do with horses, so you'll have to forgive me. I'll think of as many as I can. If you can think of more, please add to the list.
1. Don't put the cart before the horse.
2. Don't change horses mid stream.
3. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
5. A penny saved is a penny earned.
6. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
7. Children have more need of models than of critics.
8. Children should be seen and not heard.
9. A dog is a man's best friend.
Okay. That's my list. Chose as many proverbs as you want to re-write. I'll go first.
Number 4. A Bird in the hand should be back in the tree.
Number 3. You can lead a horse to water but you probably shouldn't drink with him!
Your turn! Pick a couple old proverbs and change them up! You'll probably be more creative than me!!!
Here's the list of proverbs for you to change. Chose one or two or as many as you like. Come back and play when a new idea or proverb comes to you!
1. Don't put the cart before the horse.
2. Don't change horses mid stream.
3. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
5. A penny saved is a penny earned.
6. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
7. Children have more need of models than of critics.
8. Children should be seen and not heard.
9. A dog is a man's best friend.
6. A rolling stone could hurt someone.
7. Children should be seen and enjoyed.
9. A dog is man's trainer.
2. Don’t change horses in mid-stream unless you brought along water proof boots.
5. A penny saved is actually worth about ½ ¢.
1. Children should be happy and gleefull
2. A penny saved is tomorrows bubblegum money
1. A cat is man's best friend.
2. You can lead a horse to water but he might not be thirsty.
I'm laughing my head off. You guys are so much better than me. A dog is man's trainer? (true) A penny saved is worth about 1/2 cents? Bubblegum? Not thirsty horses?
Oh creative people are so fun! My wheels are turning. How about yours?
I'll be back, I am having a mental block.
But I just want to share that:
An apple a day is seven apples a week!
Yes! Please come back. I do believe we're on a roll. Hey...roll with the punches or....
Punch with the rolls!
Children should be seen and fed regularly.
A rolling stone gathers lots of gold records.
Children have more need of praise than criticism.
A dog is my best friend
A penny saved is still the same penny saved.
A dog is a flea's best friend.
Hi Jan,
How about...A rolling stone sure can hurt your toes or You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him buy.
Love it, Tony!
Dont put the cart before the horse unless he know how to push.
A mans best friend is a stranger when he tracks mud on the wifes new carpet.
A bird in hand is likely to peck you.
A penny saved will not save CitiCorp
A rolling stone is hard to hop aboard.
Children should be seen to keep them out of trouble.
Change horses midstream if you want to swim.
Okay, Troutbirder, you've put us all to shame! Now I've gotta go back and think of more....
Let's see, how about:
Money is the root of all evil to
ta duh...
I am the root of all my evil!
A dog has more insite than some people think.
A rolling stone going down hill can knock you over.
A bird in a tree is smarter than one in the hand.
I saw this one somewhere, and loved it:
"Speak your mind and ride a fast horse"
People who live in glass houses should keep their clothes on.
What this country needs is a good five-cent cigar:
What this country really needs is a good five-cent nickel!
"Children should be seen and not heard"
could be changed to
"If your children can't be heard, they are obviously nowhere in sight!"
I can't believe how good these are! Actually, some of them are so funny and some of them are so true!
Keep them coming! I'll keep thinking too. And Maya, if your're the Maya I'm thinking of, I'm so glad you're here. I tried to leave a comment on your blog and couldn't. I'll keep trying!
Sheep should be seen and herd.
A bird in your hand might make a big mess!
Don't change horses unless your friends with it.
Here's one I just thought of..
Don't count your chickens before they're hatched to....
Don't count your chickens in bare feet!
One more thing...I was just at Tweedle's blog looking at some awesome photographs of bubbles. I told Tweedles I'd try to find some old proverbs about soap or bubbles. I found one! Tweedles (or someone else) please change it up!
“What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul”
What soap is to the body is like mud between my toes! tee hee hee
What soap is to the body is like rolling in someting very smelly!
What soap does to a humans mind is not the same to a pugs mind. (i hate soap)
The sky full of bubbles is laughter to the soul!
A happy face brings laughter to my soul!
yes, Jan, it is the maya you are thinking of. I am happy to be here and absoultely love your blog. I have changed the layout of my blog now so you should be able to comment now :)
Maya x
Never heard of #7 before; need more coffee. Wake up brain.
Gather yea roses while ye may.
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man health wealthy and wise.
An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.
A Diamond is a girls best friend.
Red at night sailors delight, red in the morning sailors take warning.
The early bird gets the worm
Don't judge another, until you've walk a mile in their shoes. (not sure I have that exact)
Sh...rolls down hill
You break it you buy it.
Don't put off today what you can do tomorrow.
Back door friends are best.
**Love the one that says a dog is man's trainer, I think of that everytime I see someone walking proudly carrying their bag of poo.
Hum...now to change them; more coffee please. Will try to think and come back.
When in Rome....
Okay. Sandy didn't rewrite any proverbs but she sure just gave us new ones. I was going to put up a new exercise today, but first I think we need to rewrite the ones that Sandy left.
I'll rewrte her last one:
Back door friends are the best to...
A friend at any door is a welcome guest.
Now you have at it!
1. Don't do first things last and last things first..
2. Don't change vehicles in mid journey.
3. You can bring someone to the food but you can't make them eat it.
This was always a fun activity in the classroom. I am retired now, but still volunteer at the primary school, reading to classes.
The early bird gets to chirp first!
Why do it today if you can do it tomorrow?
Don't judge another until you've looked at yourself.
Early to bed and early to rise doesn't make sense to me!
We never got this one in
Rub a dub dub 3 pugs in a tub!
Never made it back yesterday, too long at work.
An apple a day, lightens the load on the tree.
The early bird...love Tweedles take on that one,
The early bird does not diet?
Maybe others can do more with them.
The acorn doesn't fall from the tree.
When you fall out of a tree you break where you land?
Chip off the old block
Ok...I'm leaving now, I keep thinking of new ones instead of how to change the ones we have.
This was sure loads of fun! Playing with words allows us to write without worrying about anything at all. The more we play with words the easier it is to write.
All of the activites we do can be done written or orally. So if you're a teacher, try it orally first. Have fun with your kids. Join in!
Eat a doctor a day and you'll never need an apple orchard.
The early bird may catch the worm, but the late worm LIVES!
Children’s questions should be answered and not ignored.
If you see a rolling stone, MOVE out of the way!
If you change a horse mid stream, you’ll end up getting wet!
Sorry I'm so late with these...
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